31 August 2010

A Day in the Life of a TALL Girl.

Welcome to my world....

7:30 a.m. Time to get dressed for work. I really want to wear my gray dress pants with my black high heels, but go figure, these pants are too short for these shoes. Guess I'll go with the black pants.

8:00 a.m. Walk into work and a man opens the door for me. I say thank you and he proceeds to tell me "You're welcome. I'd do the same thing for a short girl." Wow. Thanks. So glad that I don't have to complain about height discrimination to Human Resources.

8:05 a.m. Woo hoo! They installed my "tall girl friendly" desk at work. Now I can actually cross my legs while at my computer.

10:00 a.m. Break time. While in the rest room buttoning my pants, a co-worker comes in a calls me out because she can see my head over the stall. Good thing it doesn't stink in here or my cover would be completely blown. Can't a girl just urinate in peace?!

12:00 p.m. Head to the cafeteria for lunch. Man approaches me and cannot believe that a girl of my height would ever think to wear high heels to be even TALLER! To which I reply "I do it to intimidate insecure men like yourself." Zing.

1:30 p.m. Have to run down and mail a package. No joke a man approaches me and thinks it's a good idea to refer to me as an "Amazon." Newsflash- joking or not, this phrase is NEVER funny. I give the awkward courtesy laugh and walk away. Next goal- work on better comebacks.

3:00 p.m. Waiting for everyone to show up for our afternoon meeting. I refer to the high heels comment from earlier in the day to make small talk to which a co-worker responds with, "It must be really hard to find a boyfriend being so tall." Actually no, it's not. Thank you very much.

4:30 p.m. Stop by the bridal shop to get fitted for a bridesmaid dress. Big surprise. I have to order extra length. It's not enough that I have to pay $200 for a dress I'll never wear again, but let's punish me for my uncontrollable long legs and charge me an extra 50 bucks. Awesome.

5:00 p.m. Head to the grocery store to get some stuff for dinner. Woman asks me to reach something for her off the top shelf. I reach it with no problem.

5:30 p.m. Stop at Wal-Mart on my way home and overhear two people commenting on how tall I am. Ok, let's clear something up here: TALL DOES NOT EQUAL DEAF.

6:00 p.m. Forget cooking tonight. I need some retail therapy. Head to the mall to shop for jeans. WHAT was I thinking? All the longs aren't long enough so I have to head to The Buckle where all the tall pants are at least $100. Looks like Meg is wearing shorts the rest of the week.

7:30 p.m. Head to the college to play some basketball. The one place where the taller you are the better. This is just what I needed to help remind me that Tall is AWESOME.

9:00 p.m. It's raining. I'm the first to know. Obviously.

10:30 p.m. Talk to my tall boyfriend on my tall girl cell phone and put on my tall girl pajamas after brushing my tall girl teeth and cuddling up in my tall girl bed. Goodnight!

30 August 2010

I suck at blogging

Not that anyone actually reads this, but I was recently given some blog exposure on the Facebook page of this super awesome band, Lovers and Liars. If you don't "like" them, you should. They are "tall girl friendly." heh. I was also notified by @Sunnybranste that I'm waaaay due for a post. So...here we are! Ok, back to me.

It looks like I haven't posted on here since March. In honor of being a crappy blogger, I thought a poem/apology was the obvious next move....obviously.

I Suck at Blogging
By: Meg B

A poet I'm not,
and a blogger neither,
that is clear because
I don't update either.

A site for poems
and a sight for thought,
my lack of inspiration
leaves my fans in distraught.

An excuse you ask?
One I do not have,
Laziness and boys
have kept me off task.

So to you, I'm sorry.
Improve, yes I will.
I'll do better with the blog,
I promise to fulfill.

The poems however,
this may be it,
Let's be real here,
they aren't a good fit.

It's the end of the month,
I will post again soon.
Leave me a comment,
compliment and swoon.

The end.

My sorry face.


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