12 November 2008

Me? Spin Class?

For those that don't know me, I'm a former college athlete. I played post on the basketball team and loved banging down low with the other big girls. Well...it's been a few years since I've graduated and there's not as many opportunities to play. Can I just say that I HATE RUNNING. Unless it's sprinting up and down the court, no thanks to long distance.

The point of all this, is that if I don't do some type of cardio, I'm going to start packing on the pounds. It's one thing to be a tall girl, but it's another thing to be a big tall girl. haha

Last week I enrolled in a Spin Class at the gym (please note that I've had a membership to this gym for 2 years and have gone maaaaybe 12 times. yikes). Can I just say, that this class pretty much rocks my world! I definitely recommend it. You go at your own pace and can burn up to 500 CALORIES/HOUR. Did you hear me?? 500 CALORIES! Yes, please!

Moral of the story: If you are looking for a creative and fast way to slim down, take the spin class...even if your boss ends up showing up to participate, like mine did. ha.

Wanna find out more about spinning? Check out this video:

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