I think it’s pretty safe to say that most people do not celebrate their half birthdays. My half birthday, on the other hand, falls on a day that the entire world celebrates- New Year’s Day! Ok, you probably don’t think that is as cool as I do. My friend Michelle’s son shares the same half birthday, and she actually makes half a cake for him. How cute is that??
I’ve never been one for making new year’s resolutions because let’s be honest, I suck at the follow through. However, I do like to reflect on the past year and the type of person I was, am, and want to be in the upcoming year.
I think we, especially females, find it so easy to tear one another down! We should be celebrating how wonderful and unique we are, not covering our own insecurities by saying negative things about our fellow divas! Speaking of insecurities, how often do you make lists of what you like about YOURSELF? Me either.
So to go along with the theme of celebration, resolutions and girl power, I’m going mention what I love about the girls closest to me and ALSO what I LOVE about myself. You should try it.
Beth G- Electric personality that makes everyone want to be on “your team.” Aaaaand....you have the best boobs. Yep. I said it. Virginia tennis anyone? Ha.
Nina P- You are GORGEOUS...inside and out. You give out the best advice and even if we don’t talk every day, I can count on you to be there.
Kelly R- I love your naturally curly hair and boootaaay! You are a really great listener. You inspire me in my Christian walk.
Amanda S- You are so strong willed and say what you think. A quality I wish I had more of. And I love that you can rock hair at any length and it looks awesome.
Hannah B- Your passion for things in life is inspiring. And I love love love your red hair and freckles.
Lauren J- Whether you think so or not, you have the most beautiful face. I wish you saw what others do. You are such a giver and so fun to be around. Hey girl heeey.
Ashley D- Girl, you have the BEST style. Seriously, I wish you would dress me. You have sass and class and share my cheesy humor. Best Frezin ever.
Shaletha P- You have the confidence of no one I’ve ever met before. You work it, own and command it. And your lips- juicy!!!
Amanda P- Your bubbly personality is contagious. You are so genuine in your concern for others. And you share a quality with another on this list- a great rack!
Christy C- I love the shape of your eyes. So awesome. I also really enjoy your sarcastic humor. Makes me laugh so hard.
Lachelle R- You have the BEST smile and laugh! Makes me so happy. I love that we can go 4 years without seeing each other and still don’t skip a beat when we reunite.
Mom- The strongest woman I know. I love that no matter what you are going through, physically you always got it going on. You are beautiful and an inspiration to so many.
How could I ever forget Kaylee C- Your sass rocks my life. I love your style and how you don't care what anyone thinks. You my dear, are wonderful!
Kirstin P- You are so soft spoken, but have a heart of gold. Your curly hair is gorgeous and I know it can be a pain to you, but it makes you YOU!
Last but not least, Meg- I really love my dimples and my height. I’d like to think that people generally like to be around me and try to be positive as much as I can. And, the jury’s still out, but I think I’m pretty darn funny.
There are so many more people I could mention and so much more I could say about the one’s I did. The point is, yes, we all have our flaws, but I think we should start focusing more on the positive qualities that God has given us.
Cheers to you.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well (Psalm 134:19)."
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