14 December 2007
Um, how do i respond to that?
(Guy opens door for me)
Me: "Thank you"
Guy: "You are welcome, I'd do the same thing for a short girl."
Me: "Well, I guess thank you for not discriminating."
"Why do you wear heels when you are already so tall?"
(Guy to Linda Smith when she asked him to carry a package)
"Why do you need my help when you have this big 'ol girl up here."
(Day I wore a skirt)
"Wow, she does have legs!"
(Day I wore pink shirt and shoes)
"Look at that, stinky pinky!"
(Getting on the elevator)
Me: "looks like I beat you to the button"
Guy: "Well it wouldn't take much on a day like today"
(Then guy bangs his head against the wall and slides down)
Chaplain: "I'm teaching a class on Wiccan, would you mind coming in so I can show them what a real witch looks like?"
Chaplain: "Do you need some money to buy a new sweater so you don't have to keep wearing your little sister's?"
Guy: "Are you sure Megan is a Christian?" (After Barb told him I would be canvassing with her for the block party)
A different guy: "I don't work with girls that are more than 6 inches taller than me."
Some other dude: "Just when you think your day can't get any worse..." (Approaching me while giving a tour to new employees)
(While I'm pushing a heavy cart with Valla)
Valla: "We need a man"
Another guy: "Well Valla you don't, but Megan does"
07 November 2007
Yep. I'm about to quote T. Trask...
- New Artist that's rocking this girl's world: Sara Bareilles
- Movie I WOULD NOT recommend seeing: Heartbreak Kid
- New lingo you need to know: DFW (down for whatever) ha! La La Love it!
15 October 2007
If life is a highway, why can't I drive?
The reason I ask is b/c I’ve decided that I have none. Yep. No drive. No passion. No desire to better myself. It’s kind of depressing actually. I find myself talking about all of these great things I want to do and all these changes I want to make and then when it comes to following through with these amazing plans…I choke. I just don’t care enough to actually get off my lazy butt and make something happen. Then, I actually have the nerve to talk about how crappy my life is.
So this brings me back to my initial question. How do I get the drive? That self-motivation to be a better person.
I guess I’ll just sit here, do nothing and think about it some more…that seems to be the theme of my life lately.
24 September 2007
Just what I needed
A personal struggle I've had over the past year is finding my purpose in life. Why can't I find a job using my degree? Why am I working where I am? Why am I single? What's next? What am I supposed to do next and how soon can I get the heck outta here?
I've found myself constantly being so anxious about my future. So much so, that I was missing the moments. I haven't been soaking it all in. If I have to live this life, why spend every day being discontent? Why not appreciate what you've been giving and live each day to the fullest?
Back to God's confirmation. I was working this weekend and was talking to a military man that I really respect. Not knowing my situation at all, as he addressed the group he touched on the very issues I have been struggling with. He said that he found himself asking God why he was punishing him, when finally it clicked...it's not about me, it's about Him.
Of course there was more to the speech that I won't go into, but the point it, his words were exactly what I needed to hear. I'm so thankful for a God that uses people to confirm things in our lives. It may not be in an audible voice, but it's comforting to know that He cares enough to use others to speak to me when I need it the most.
Check out Psalm 27
19 September 2007
Babies and Troops...random mix dontcha think?
Avoid those pesky telemarketers HERE.
So my cousin and his wife welcomed their first child into the world yesterday... Justus James Davis.

da da daaaaa! ON TO THE SOLDIERS...
Check this link out when you get a chance: http://agmilitary.blogspot.com/
It's a great way to offer some encouraging words to the troops and chaplains and let them know you are thinking/praying for them. To the 1.5 people that read this blog...pass it along! :)
♥ New artist I'm diggin': Colbie Caillat
♥ Food I'm craving at this very second: M&M cookie vanilla icecream sandwich. mmmm!
♥ Word I can't stop saying: "Sassy!"
♥ My new random favorite thing: My new purple (egg plant) Avon eyeshadow. la la love it!
18 September 2007
When you...
I will be with you;
And when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
The flames will not set you ablaze.
Isaiah 43:2
13 September 2007
This is when you know you suck.
Yep. Not really sure how I feel about that.
Incompatible, it don't matter though
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
You're not easy to find
Is it possible Mr. Loveable
Is already in my life?
Right in front of me
Or maybe you're in disguise
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why
I'm on my ownIf there's a soulmate for everyone
Here we are again, circles never end
How do I find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone
Most relationships seem so transitory
They're all good but not the permanent one
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone
Natasha Bedingfield
12 September 2007
Awkward Situation

Here's your
- weather
- your being lazy for not taking the stairs
- how you're doing today (everyone genuinely cares, trust me)
- what day of the week it is
- how much you can't wait for Friday
- what floor you work
- introduce yourself (just in case you meet again)
- the lunch menu in the cafeteria
- comment on how strong someone's perfume is
- your job title and who you work for
- Oh and don't forget the "sincere" chuckle at theirs and your attempt to be funny for this short ride
Solution? Take the stairs.
11 July 2007
Why is it easier to focus on the one bad thing instead of all the amazing things that we are blessed with?
But lately, it seems that there is alot more than one thing going bad in this girl's life. When do I get to complain? Or do I? When I sit back and take a look at my life, the little good things probably still outnumber the bad, but when the bad things are so big it makes it alot harder to shift the focus to the good.
Everyone waits for a knock on the door
Waiting for someone,
who knows what it's for
Cause we spend a lot of money
Feeling bad and looking fine
I'll try to sum it up in a few simple lines
Oh darling,
life is what you pray for
But love is what you stay for
And I know it's pretty damn funny how simple it can be
But you didn't hear that from me
Everyone says that it's covered in pain
Waiting for someone who will take on the blame
Oh it takes a lot of courage
To know you're not alone
The sooner you stand up, the sooner you'll know
Oh baby, life is what you pray for
But love is what you stay for
And I know it's pretty damn funny how simple it can be
But you didn't hear that from me
When I hear you crying at night
Like the world is on your shoulders
I'll hold you tight
Cause I know a secret or two
And the least I can do is share it with you
Share it with you
Share it baby
Oh, life is what you pray for
Love is what you stay for
And I know it's pretty damn funny how simple it can be
But you didn't hear that from me
Life is what you pray for
You didn't hear that from meLove is what you stay for
You didn't hear that from meLife is what you pray for
You didn't hear that from me
> Josh Kelley Didn't Hear That From Me Lyrics
26 June 2007
In life, how does one distinguish between waiting on God for direction and just settling for mediocrity?
25 June 2007
The much anticipated first blog
Well here we are. Actually here I am, I don't think I have any fans yet. YET is the key word here. You are gonna love me.
Back in the day (a couple years ago), I was big into the whole blogging thing. Yes, I was in college and who really studies in college anyways, so... I blogged. There were days I would try to get all deep and sentimental and meaningful, but let's face it, I really am "about as deep as a puddle." But, at least I know it.
Then came the myspace and the facebook and I turned my back on the art of the online journal. But I'm back and better than ever. I've found that I miss the substance of the blog. I want to unleash my not-so-deep thoughts to the world... as boring, exciting, sad, lame, ridiculous, sarcastic or hilarious they may be. But for now, that's all I got. It's 10:00 pm on a Monday night and I'm going to bed. I can tell you are already thinking to yourself, "this girl is cooler than I thought."
Till next time,
♥ Overused words of the moment: "Lame" and "Precious." I just can't stop!
♥ CD I'm diggin' this week: Scar, by Missy Higgins. She's from Australia and pretty much rocks my world.
♥ HOT new artist (also Australian): Amy Pearson
Movie that wasted 90 minutes of my life tonight that I can never get back: Team America
And one final thought:
Why is it that our perception of the quality of our life is so easily altered by such small things?